English Studies: Literature (undergraduate) & English Studies: Anglo-American Literature (graduate) focuses on studies in British and American literatures within the contexts of historical, cultural, and literary developments in Britain and in the United States. Likewise offered are studies in the writings of women and of cultural/ethnic minority groups (e.g., Asian-American).

Course Checklists

Course Offerings (Undergraduate and Graduate)

21 Survey of English Literature I: English literature from its beginnings to the pre-Romantic period.
22 Survey of English Literature II: English literature from the Romantic period to the twentieth century.
23 Introduction to Shakespeare: Ten representative plays including discussion of necessary background and problems.
41 Survey of American Literature I: Beginnings to 1900.
42 Survey of American Literature II: 1900 to present.
101 Introduction to British Literary History
103 Introduction to American Literary History
122 Old English and Medieval Literature: The important works in Old English and Middle English.
123 Elizabethan Literature: Elizabethan prose, poetry, and drama.
125 Metaphysical and Restoration Literature: The Restoration to the pre-Romantic period; the major writers in prose and poetry.
127 Romantic Literature: The eighteenth century phase of the movement; the revival of romanticism from Blake to Scott.
129 Victorian Literature: Major works of the more important Victorian writers.
131 Modern British Literature: Major writers and significant literary movements from 1900 to 1944.
132 Contemporary British Literature: Major writers and significant literary movements from 1945 to the present.
133 Literatures from the British Commonwealth countries and former British colonies: Selected modern and contemporary works in English from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, Africa, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia.
142 The American Romantics: Major American writers of the nineteenth century from Emerson to Whitman, with particular emphasis on major movements and forms.
143 Early Twentieth Century American Literature: Major works from Henry James to William Faulkner and their social and philosophical backgrounds.
144 Current Twentieth Century American Literature: American literature from 1945 to the present.
146 New Genres in Anglo-American Literature: The development of science fiction as a literary genre.
147 The Tradition of Women’s Writing in Anglo-American Literature.
148 Asian Voices in Anglo-American Literature: Literature by British and American writers of Asian extraction.
195 Ethnic American Literature.
198 Selected Topics.
199 Research (Literature).
200 Undergraduate Thesis.
203 Introduction to Middle English.
212 English Drama: Pre-Shakespearean drama, Elizabethan and Jacobean drama, and Restoration drama. May be taken twice.
213 Shakespeare’s Life, the Comedies and Histories.
214 Shakespeare: The Tragedies.
217 The English Novel: The novel in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. May be taken twice.
223 English Poetry: Lyric and narrative poetry. May be taken twice.
232 Beowulf.
233 Chaucer.
235 The Life and Works of Milton.
242 Individualism in American Literature: 1837 – 1900.
243 American Literature: 1900-1944.
244 Current American Literature from 1945 to the present.
245 The American Novel.
246 Gender and Genre in Anglo-American Women’s Writing.
251 Readings in New English Literatures: The literatures of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
256 New Genres in Anglo-American Literature.
257 English Satire of the Restoration and the eighteenth century: English satiric literature from Butler to Johnson.
299 Bibliography and Methods of Literary Research.
300 Master’s Thesis.
360 Seminar in Medieval English Literature.
361 Seminar in Renaissance English Literature.
362 Seminar in Seventeenth Century English Literature.
363 Seminar in Eighteenth Century English Literature.
364 Seminar in Nineteenth Century British Literature.
365 Seminar in Contemporary British Literature.
371 Seminar in American Literature.
398 Special Problems in Literature.
399 Research.
400 Doctoral Dissertation.