The Journal of English and Comparative Literature is published twice a year by the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of the Philippines Diliman. It welcomes articles on language, literature and culture using various theoretical perspectives.

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If you wish to submit articles to Journal of English Studies and Comparative Literature, please contact the Department of English and Comparative Literature at telephone number (632) 926-3496 or at email address

Vol. 20, No. 1 (2021)
Gemino H. Abad Special Issue 

The Department of English and Comparative Literature is proud to present a special issue of the Journal of English Studies and Comparative Literature on University Professor and Professor Emeritus Gémino H. Abad. The journal issue features Abad’s choice of his ten best poems, a rare short story, and Sir Jimmy’s short biography and bibliography. It also contains tributes written by his family, friends, and colleagues, as well as the winning works of the Gémino H. Abad Literary Awards for Poetry and for Literary Criticism.

To read the issue, click here.